Un cititor contemplă tehnocrația

A TN reader was pondering and left a comment on the Contact Us form, and it was compelling enough to share it with you. He seems to get the big picture as he states, “The link to Technocracy and underlying ideology fits like a glove.”

Hello Mr.Patrick Wood:

Your research is compelling!

Thank you for your dedication and in-depth knowledge tying together the strings of historic events, mostly overlooked and not reported through education and the media.

Reading your work on technocracy allowed me to combine my observations into the technocratic framework you provide. It has allowed me to expand my thoughts and horizon, and – ultimately – to stay sane.

Pavlov, Freud, Watson & Crick, Darwin, Goebbels and many more worked to understand psychology, ideology and propaganda. The intention was to better understand natural processes and the ability to manipulate a population and their consent.

Germany participated as a whole in the success of the Nazi regime only to re-evaluate their participation later, after the war. The question to answer the willing participation of the German population during the Nazi regime has yielded an entire field of behavioural psychology trying to explain this participation.

I argue this focus allowed nation states like Russia, the US and China, amongst others, to optimize their focus on manipulating the population towards a political and ideological goal. Technocracy is one expression of an attempt to manipulate a population into acceptting the premise of a new economy.

The post WWII era was guided by ambitious ethical projects to prevent future wars, creating international organizations to guarantee a mechanism for nation states to prevent war through arbitration using the United Nations. An international judicial system was envisioned to punish those violating rules of conduct in war, agreed upon by member states.
I believed that the United Nations, the international Court of Justice and others, were created with this explicit ethical goal.
My belief was that the effort was sincere, given the horrors of mass extinction, millions of lost lives in the short period of WWII, genocide and the prospect of nuclear proliferation.

The trust I invested into this vision and process was constantly challenged. My suspicions about the prevailing history I had to learn in my education received critical nourishment through your analysis of Technocracy.

My suspicions were initially raised by Switzerland’s alleged non-involvement in WWII.

For decades I have argued that Switzerland could create and maintain a wealthy state, direct democracy, equipped with an education system allowing for an intellectual, well educated population by benefiting from the banking system for which Switzerland is famous.

Name the dictator, tyrant or oligarch of the past centuries and you will find their wealth deposited in Swiss banks, allowing for the financing of the Swiss system through taxation and direct payments to the Swiss state.

I felt that Switzerland created a brand of trust, decorated with a political system well advanced over others, with a standard of living admired and with the world’s ‘well meaning’ global organizations crowded in Geneva. The financing of all this was made possible on the backs of all exploited people on the planet.

Switzerland’s industries supported and participated in the Nazi regime by supplying advanced industrial technologies throughout the war, allowing the Nazi organization to almost complete the building of a nuclear bomb. Escher-Wyss & Cie, the Swiss company with a German subsidiary established in Ravensburg, supplied the advanced turbines needed to create the heavy-water for the Nazi nuclear fission project in Norway.

Interestingly, Klaus Schwab’s father was in charge of Escher-Wyss during the Nazi regime and his company benefited greatly from forced labour while producing needed technologies in Ravensburg for the Nazi regime. The company had direct connections to the elites of the Nazi regime and met frequently with them, even privately.

Escher-Wyss later also supplied the engineering and industrial hardware to South Africa, enabling the former apartheid regime to create 7 nuclear bombs, 6 ready for use, despite the Nuclear Non-Prolfieration Treaty in place.
Klaus Schwab managed the circumvention of the treaty rather well and profited handsomely.

This describes Klaus Schwab and the ideologies and actions that formed him. He now applies these through the organizational vehicles of the WEF / UN / BIZ / CDC / WHO / Trilateral Commission and NGO’s in order to install a new global technocratic government, as historically described by your research, onto the world.

Not to mention his millionaire friends and collaborators involved, willing to accommodate this plan.

The link to Technocracy and underlying ideology fits like a glove.

Further to Swiss involvement during WWII, the Swiss banking system was used by the US to finance the oil needed for the war in Europe. Swiss banks were handling most aspects of US trading during the war for the US and Allied forces in Europe. Internal bank documents released over the years revealed the US supplying needed oil to the German Wehrmacht during the war. The Swiss banks facilitated it all and kept it secret. At the moment where General Patton was likely to be defeated crossing the river Rhine, the US stopped the sale and distribution of fuel to Nazi Germany, allowing for Patton to cross the river Rhine without the anticipated heavy resistance. The German tanks waiting in the distance had no fuel.

The gold extracted from the victims of the Holocaust, tooth gold, amongst other wealth confiscated, was stored in Swiss banks, creating investment opportunities well into the late 70’s for the banks and the state, possibly even until today.

The Americans were fully engaged in eugenics before the war creating the IQ test to achieve sterilization of the people living in the US Appalachian mountains to eliminate procreation of the unwanted. The US elite was impressed and fully supportive of the eugenics proposed by the Nazis prior to the war. IBM delivered the tools to facilitate, optimize and maximize the horrible success of extermination by the Nazi regime, by renting out and installing the punch-card system technology through IBM USA to the Nazi regime (IBM started as a German company in 1889 by Herman Hollerith).

IBM’s Watson, and his closest representatives met Hitler and set up the company Dehomag/Hollerith to install the system using IBM’s Swiss office (Geneva) to organize it and oversee it all.

The punch cards were manufactured in the US and had to be purchased exclusively through IBM USA. (Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust)

At the end of the war, operation paperclip ensured the transfer of intellectual property and surviving scientists to the USA where the impressive technocratic war project was guaranteed continuation. The most damaging tools of destruction found their completion in the USA. Arguably, the USA is the continuation of the dreams of the mainly technocratic but fascist Nazi ideology.

Now Klaus Schwab is continuing the construction of a world dominating technocratic government. which is closely aligned and matches the ideas and hopes of the very successful Nazi technocratic ideology. In his book, Klaus Schwab predicts a “fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identities.” , “lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness” and this will allow authorities to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behaviour.”

His statements conjure up the French and Polish military leaders on horseback, sabre held in hand, attacking the German tanks and machine-guns. The vision the collective technocratic German elite had was similar to Schwab’s fantasies today,: of a fusion of technology and the human. Germany made modern warfare a reality, storming through country after country, to the astonishment of collective European elites, Americans and of people not prepared to think war and mass murder will ensue.

There are many more historic links you point to in your writings that make it plausible that a technocratic plan was hatched to introduce a technocratic economic and corporate system to control the world population and industry. Your research indicates that it reaches back to the 1930s – if not earlier indeed.
The Frankfurt school, Columbia, Brezinsky, and the Rothschilds, neoconservatism, the Trilateral Commission and now communist China. These can be regarded as a continuation of the essential findings for success developed by the Nazi regime.

Communist China has completed a repetition of the industrial revolution on Chinese soil in less than 50 years and has risen to be the largest expanding economy on the planet in the same timeframe, essentially producing the same things produced in the rest of the world today, but all in China. A debt-driven method underlies their expansionist strategy. The combination of totalitarianism, engineering and digital technology are the ingredients for economic and societal success. Surveillance, social credit, genetic engineering, population control systems and digital psychological influencing has proven to be the main reason for an unresisted implementation. Artificial Intelligence will continue to optimize the surveillance and social manipulation to a degree of perfection. China is the leading country, closely followed by the US, in collecting biometric and genetic data on its population. A direct comparison to the Third Reich is appropriate.

The Nazi regime had territorial expansion and race theory combined to legitimize expansion and annexation of other nation states. China carefully studied the fallout and failures of this approach and, I allege, concluded that expansion through material enhancement, providing a path to wealth for impoverished nations is likely more successful and lasting. No wars, but coercion through debt manipulation and the introduction of digital technology.

In the US, the attempt was made after 9/11 to increase the surveillance state to unprecedented levels, akin to China’a efforts, but was lagging behind at the time by constitutional constraint (W.Binney). But the US successfully established a surveillance state, in an attempt to control the US population through the NSA, FBI, CIA, FISA Courts and many military industrial complex related companies by implementing the Patriot Act. The success was amplified by the manipulation of elections (Dominion) while maintaining the veneer of democratic processes still in place.

I can see that the success of all technology companies headquartered in the US is rooted in the ability to exploit labour and circumvent environmental restrictions in China. The technocrats in the US were enabling a shift of production from the constraints of a Constitutional Democratic Republic, where individuals’ rights are guaranteed and wages contested (upwards), to an ’unconstrained’ totalitarian Communist system modelled in China. It seems a dangerous involvement for US companies in China. The Chinese Communist Party has shown total control over theses foreign companies and has already reigned-in corporate success. It looks like there exists a guarantee to remove the communist party in charge at some point of corporate, technocratic success?

What comes to my mind is that US Education facilities made mountains of money educating Chinese students, knowingly transferring knowledge to China. This transfer of knowledge is likely calculated and informs the intent to remove the Communist Party in charge through classic US regime-change.

As a result (and of massive important for Technocracy’s success), industries in the US have diminished, with the exception of the service- and banking sectors. This is the same banking sector benefitting, as it was benefitting Switzerland during WWII and up until today. The difference being that the banking system now is controlled by the WEF/BIZ, wanting to remodel the system completely.

Maybe the US and China are a team, introducing the successful Chinese economic model to the US political class, corporate class and to the US mainland (US society). After all, profits and control will be guaranteed and cheap, forced labour can be obtained by opening the borders to the south. For that matter, the EU has managed to reduce democratic representation at the top of the EU construct and is undergoing the same economic transformation within Europe to be part of team US/China. A trifecta homogenizing and centralizing control, exploiting Africa, Asia and the US, including its own citizens.

Maybe the Swiss will attempt to run it all.

Klaus Schwab as the facilitator, a versed technocrat and fascist with experience. (He is Swiss and German).

As with Hitler, a central figure is advantageous for a movement of such transformative and disruptive power to succeed, but dangerous for the construct to unravel with the central figure’s exposure and demise. Klaus Schwab’s strategy to stay away from the limelight only recently changed. The lime-light will focus criticism on his person. I predict that he will not remain in his position. The proposed Technocratic construct will likely succeed by involving large impersonal institutions like the WHO and UN rather than focus on a single person, or representative.

I sense that the belief to succeed with the implementation of the Technocratic movement and associated philosophy is the observed reality of Switzerland’s post-war success. Switzerland was never publicly criticized. Switzerland, despite the active involvement with the Nazi regime and the regime’s guiding philosophy and intent, survived and thrived as an exemplary nation for the rest of the world to admire. Maybe Klaus Schwab and Technocracy as a philosophy is envisioning the world to be as Switzerland is today, the centre of a new economy, managing the finances to mask the totalitarian reality of Technocracy?

There is so much more to address and link together.

Fauci and the CDC, four main US universities, Winnipeg (Canada) level 4 lab, Fort Detrick (US), Porton Down (UK) are all involved, and are financed to the tune of billions of dollars by US interests and Dr. Fauci. Gain-of-function research on corona viruses and other controversial genetic experiments in China without oversight. This is akin to the bio warfare research done in Japan prior to WWII, unleashed on China and the ‘medical race’ research done in Germany during WWII, fully addressed and reprimanded through the Nuremberg trial.

Public servants involved willingly, or blinded by profit and power (corruption) succumbing to this technocratic system will lose their influence and power, and ultimately their employment, once the system would succeed. They are not needed in this proposed system. What if they would understand this now?

The cost of one dose of the propagandized Covid vaccination is Euro 17.50. The profit margin for the pharmaceutical companies is 20:1. The prospect of continued vaccinations (boosters, Covid-21) will guarantee endless profits. Plus, they managed to implement a vaccine trial ongoing with millions of participants, without costs to the pharmaceutical companies involved, for the next years.

There is a collusion between the pharmaceutical industry and media in place. Any negative reporting regarding vaccination is prohibited and informed by the US Trusted News Initiative in order to curb vaccination hesitancy.

This toxic reality increases the power of influence, or the outright takeover by the Pharma industry and associated businesses of public medical institutions and allows them to mandate full medicalization of the population. This will accelerate and facilitate Transhumanism.
This trajectory of events can already be observed in the UK with the pressures on the NHS and the BBC engaging in propaganda.

Next is the expressed want of a global database of all people living, as the intelligence apparatus in the US was, and is, working on (Google/Facebook). This is being endeavoured via a digital vaccination passport, and/or energy passport. Maybe a subcutaneous digital implant will be proposed?

The astounding reality about these observations is that they are happening in front of my eyes.

What did critical people think during the ascend of the Fascist regime in Germany? What was their idea to stop it, or accept it?

It is unbelievable how governments and the UN/WHO/WEF/GAVI and Gates have colluded to force the totalitarian Chinese model of pandemic response onto the rest of the world. Technocrats, using computer models managed to convince governments to install fear into populations for over a year, still involved in propagandizing and perpetuating this fear, despite being informed by medical doctors that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not lethal for the majority of people. Cheap remedies are available and known to minimize the risk of death. Vaccination is not necessary. It is not a pandemic. Still, the trust in predictive computer models and simultaneously believing that computers can solve a problem (SARS-CoV-2 computer vaccine simulation) is applied. Technocrats at work, following the plan outlined and revealed through your work.

I am writing this to you to simply share some thoughts and observations. My input might sharpen your tools.

Please find really interesting information in this article of the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons on Transhumanism: https://aapsonline.org/aaps-news-april-2021-transhumanism/

Here is an important interview with Dr.Peter McCullough:


Despre editor

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood este un lider important și critic în dezvoltarea durabilă, economia ecologică, agenda 21, agenda 2030 și tehnocrația istorică. Este autorul revistei Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) și co-autor al Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) cu regretatul Antony C. Sutton.